Protect Wilderness-Quality Lands In Southern California NOW
If you’re a fan of the trails and the variety of environments and ecosystems found at all elevations in the four Southern California National Forests, please lend your help to Treehuggers International and our friends with the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Los Angeles office of The Wilderness Society, Wilderness4All, Friends of the River, the California Wilderness Coalition and San Gabriel Mountains Forever in rallying to ensure protection and appropriate management of wilderness-quality public lands.
Exploring the Roadless Area Conservation Rule
The Obama administration recently granted a new yearlong extension to the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, originally enacted in 2001 in the waning days of the Clinton administration after the largest Forest Service public comment effort since the 1960s. Treehuggers International welcomes Mike Anderson from the Wilderness Society’s Pacific Northwest office in Seattle to talk about the creation of the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, the benefit of roadless areas, and the Roadless Rule’s hurdles during the Bush years.
On the Verge of the Wild Sky Wilderness
A terrific conversation with Bob Freimark, the Senior Policy Analyst for the Pacific Northwest at the Wilderness Society’s Seattle office, about the impending Congressional passage and creation of the Wild Sky Wilderness.