Treehuggers International

Grist’s Humorous Take On Being Green

June 24th, 2007

Brendon Smyth, socked in atop Mailbox Peak over the Snoqualmie River Valley. doesn’t exactly embrace your father’s approach to environmental and green matters, leaving sanctimonious outrage on the shelf in favor of humor, irreverence, and a Daily Show meets The Onion template for expressing personable, small-scale, day-to-day advice on making the world a greener place.

As befitting the clever mind and well-trained humor writer, the crew at Grist also never pass up an opportunity to work in a joke.

In doing so, Grist is the funniest, most refreshing site you’re likely to find on the internet discussing the environment or contemporary culture, though their biting editorials on matters of the day also demonstrates Grist isn’t willing to shirk away once the punchline has been delivered or the irony or hypocrisy of a situation been demonstrated.

Exchanging preachiness for hipness in the pursuit of a more relatable approach to good environmental practices, Brendon Smyth, Communications Director for the Seattle-based website, joins us for a chat about the inner workings, worldview, and motivations behind Grist from atop a sustainable skateboard made of from renewable bamboo. Kudos.


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